Pressure Vessels

We specialize in the production of stainless-steel pressure and non-pressure vessels, insulated and non-insulated, with a capacity of 20-10,000 litres. Our product range includes single-shell pressure tanks, duplicator pressure tanks, (stirrers), agitators, process and special vessels.

Customized Solutions

We specialize in products and equipment that comply with the PED/2014/68/EU directive or ASME standards and in processing austenitic steels for various industrial sectors. With our versatile manufacturing capabilities, we can offer technologically advanced final products. Thanks to our broad range of capabilities, we also handle technologically demanding systems and custom manufacturing.

We typically use materials such as 1.4404 (AISI 316L) and 1.4571 (AISI 316 Ti), as well as Hastelloy C22. We employ TIG welding in a protective atmosphere and MMA welding with a covered electrode. For surface treatment of tanks, we offer both manual and machine grinding as well as electrochemical polishing.


Visit us

+420 771 269 971

Company Headquarters

Praskačka 199
50333 Praskačka
Hradec Králové


Business Hours

Monday – Friday: 7.30 AM – 3.30 PM

Billing information

ID: 08542180
DIC: CZ08542180
fakturace@st-solutions. cz

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