Stainless Steel Weldments

Our process weldments are supplied as parts of separate machinery or as accessories to pressure vessels in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. They are distinguished by high-quality welds and surface treatment. After the welding process, their precision and accuracy is typically ensured through subsequent machining on modern CNC machines. Typical representatives include bodies for homogenizers, emulsifiers, mills, mixers, agitators, etc.

What We Work With

To ensure the required quality of welds, we primarily use the TIG welding method, and for pipe parts, we may also use orbital welding. The internal surfaces in contact with the product are typically ground to an Ra of 0.8 μm, but we can polish them to an Ra of 0.1 μm or provide electrochemical polishing if needed. The external finishes can be customized according to the customer’s requirements, such as brushed with unground welds or fully ground. For load-bearing structures and welded frame assemblies, we can also provide shot blasting with glass beads.


Visit us

+420 771 269 971

Company Headquarters

Praskačka 199
50333 Praskačka
Hradec Králové


Business Hours

Monday – Friday: 7.30 AM – 3.30 PM

Billing information

ID: 08542180
DIC: CZ08542180
fakturace@st-solutions. cz

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